The Regional Council of Agricultural Machinery Associations of Asian and Pacific Countries (ReCAMA) held its 9th Members Meeting in Türkiye from 2 to 4 October 2023. The Meeting was jointly organized by the Centre for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP-CSAM) and the Turkish Association of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers (TARMAKBİR) with the support of Ege University. For the first time since 2019, 29 representatives from 14 Member Associations were able to participate in person in the Member Meeting.
On 2 October, the Member Meeting was opened at Ege University by Mr. M. Selami İleri, Secretary General of the Turkish Association of Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers; Mr. Marco Silvestri, Deputy Head a.i. and Programme Officer of ESCAP-CSAM; and Prof. Banu Yücel, Vice Rector of Ege University and Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, with the moderation of Mr. A. Behiç Tekin, Academician / Academic Advisory Group Member of TARMAKBİR.
Ms. Unurjargal Davaa, CEO of the Mongolian National Crop Farmers Association (MNCFA); Mr. Ekinç Ergüneş, Specialist of the International Relations Office of TARMAKBİR; Mr. Alimul Ahsan Chowdhury, President of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer Associations of Bangladesh (AMMAB); and Mr. Nerio Antonio II Sibulo, Executive Vice President of the Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers and Distributors Association of the Philippines (AMMDA) presented the general status of agricultural mechanization in their respective countries including some gender perspectives, and proposed recommendations for gender mainstreaming through regional cooperation.
Following a presentation by CSAM on “Gender Mainstreaming in Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization”, Mr. Krishna SHARMA, President of the Nepal Agricultural Machinery Entrepreneurs’ Association (NAMEA) presented a case study about “Women Leading Mechanization Hire Services”, an inspiring story from Nepal demonstrating a feasible solution for gender mainstreaming.
Ms. Yuee Feng, the focal point of the ReCAMA initiative, presented an overview of the work completed in 2023 and facilitated the discussion of the work plan of ReCAMA for 2024. The Meeting also elected the Chair and Vice Chair Associations for 2023-2024, with the Agricultural Machinery Manufacturer Associations of Bangladesh assuming the role of Chair and the Vietnam Society of Agricultural Engineering (VSAGE) being elected as Vice Chair.
The three-day Meeting also included field trips to agricultural machinery factories and a visit to the 20th International Agriculture and Stock Breeding Fair in Bursa, where the participants gained first-hand knowledge of agricultural machinery manufacturing, and machinery and livestock breeding technologies. The exhibition allowed delegates to learn about a wide range of Turkish manufactured agricultural machinery and the latest trends of agricultural mechanization in the country and beyond.